

lulu elise golden

(if you're familiar with my blog you should definitely recognize her!
she just got a drastic hair cut-and I lovvve it)


photos taken by me


volcom x details

(a few detail shots of my new Volcom digsss)

I had the wonderful opportunity of heading up to the Volcom Headquarters yesterday, and meeting with Bonnie the women's marketing director about my new venture in guest blogging over at Volcomunity. As if I wasn't excited enough already, after talking with Bonnie and Volcom employee Deborah about all the new exciting things Volcom will be partaking in as well as some amazing collaborations that will be launching in the up coming year- I am more stoked than ever to have the chance to be involved and to be a part of Volcomunity (and to share it with all of you!). Bonnie and Deborah were so incredibly sweet and welcoming, and really made my day special. As if all that wasn't enough, I got sent home with a bunch of amazingly beautiful Volcom pieces! Be expecting manyyy an outfit post featuring the new shtuff.


p.s. stay tuned for the date of my first post on the Volcomunity blog!


partridge in a pear tree

(wearing: thrifted kimono, Mossimo shorts, thrifted drapey tank top from Salvation Army, H&M booties, vintage sunglasses, vintage crochet/fringe bag, vintage jewelery)

Wore this outfit to grab some groceries and go watch movies at my mom's.
Literally threw on an entire outfit of items purchased at different thrift stores that same day.

   Biiiig day tomorrow, and I'm super excited. Will share more about that later cause I'm super distracted at the moment, so much to think about! I'm your classic 'over-thinker' if you haven't caught on to that already. I'm as they say unwindddding *in a cheesy snooty accent* by doing facials with two good friends and watching the Animal Planet special Wrong Turn, The Kati Kim Story. So intense! And up next, Gossip Girl minus commercials thanks to the beauty of DVR. My kinda night!


p.s. oh, and have you put together the mystery of my title? If you havvvee, then yes! It is a cheese-tastic pun due to the fact that there is indeed a partridge in a pear tree on this ridiculously cheap kimono-type-thing I picked up at Salvo a couple weeks back. And I love it. Think I just might go ahead and line the inside with a different patterned material and make it reversible!



How The West Was Won
Wildfox 2012 Lookbook sneak peek





Now maybe you realize why I split these photos between two posts. Something you should know about me is that I'm ridiculously indecisive, about everything. So when it comes to narrowing down the crazy amount of photos taken on escapades such as the one featured above (usually including long walks, coastline views, unbelievable sunsets, and constant laughter) let's just say, I suck. And if you're wondering..
taking pictures with a (really sweet) random acquaintance's adorable dogs? Yes. That happened.


p.s. I'm selling the crochet top I'm wearing!
If you're interested let me knowww.