

(wearing: thrifted diy shredded/fringe dress, Volcom beanie, vintage belt and necklace)

Been editing pictures allll day, and I am finally starting to make a dent in the insane amount I've let pile up in various folders. whewww, feels like I can finally breathe again. I feel like I haven't really updated much on what's been going on in my life. It seems like most of the time lately, I just skim the surface with what I choose to share in my posts. Which, yes, is okay sometimes- but I really want to get back to elaborating more on my feelings and thoughts and day to day happenings (and I love to hear all of yours as well!).

To name a few updates, I just got back from a quick road trip to Vegas for one of my good friend's Birthdays. It was quite an adventure, and let's just say I captured quite a few good moments (in photos aaand video) that I cannot wait to post. I got my second and third tattoos yesterday. STOKED. I have lots of exciting adventures and collaborations coming up that I cannot wait for. And overall, life is good.

I have been having my moments lately. I've gone through my fair share of shtuff this past year (who am I kidding, these past few years) but then again, who hasn't? I'm really starting to realize that though sometimes the fact that I trust too easily and always try to see the good in people comes back to bite me; I am so incredibly thankful I am the way I am. I am very open with what I'm feeling, at times overly emotional and sensitive. So easily affected by what others do and say around me because I invest so much of myself in who they are and how they feel and what they want. It's been becoming more and more apparent that it's important to find happiness and fulfillment within yourself, and not from any outside sources. However, no matter how many times I get let down, I always pick myself back up. It's so easy to get discouraged by the lack of genuinity (not a real word, I know, but just go with it) and honesty in people these days, but then you come across one or two special people who start to shift your perspective. Us sensitive, creative souls are resilient, let me tell ya. Just gotta keep moving forward.


tell em' giirrrr


Okay, so after watching this video on Madeline's blog last night, I couldn't NOT share it with anyone and everyone possible. Like, really? Every single word is so spot on, and it really inspires me that there is someone out there who not only thinks this way (ontop of being one of the most well written, stylish, and unique bloggers out there)-but can express what I (and I am sure so many of you) think so eloquently. GIVES ME SOME MUCH NEEDED HOPE, I DO DEECLAYUHR. If you are a part of (or interested in) the fashion blogging community-do yourself a favor and watch this. See her whole post here.





(wearing: thrifted over-sized knit and floral dress, Slash leggings c/o Crash & Burn, Demonia creepers, misc. child hood adornments)

These were taken the day I was cleaning out my closet and found the mother load of nostalgia inducing trinkets. Barbies with shaved heads, my little pony brushes, and a whole bunch of cheesy necklaces straight outta the 90's. It was a dream, and it drove me to dress like a little girl and go nuts with the self timer. Even the colors of the sunset seemed to match my outfit perfectly. I miss being a kid so much it hurts. Everything is simple, fun, adventurous, colorful, exciting, new. I may grow older (as we all do) but inside; I will forever be that awkward, sensitive, creative, curious ten year old that never stops questioning everything and finds solace in dreams and quiet moments alone with my journal.




A day chalk full of coffee, music, and photo editing led to a small mental break down during which I took full advantage of my obsession with the eye makeup at Anna Sui's Fall 2012 runway show (plus red lips just cause I was feelin' like it) and my good ole' web cam.

OH, and today I just felt like acting/dressing like/pretending to be a kid allll day after stumbling upon a treasure trove of childhood trinkets.
Good timesss guyyssss.



Wasteland Spring 2012
shot by Jason Lee Parry

