

(wearing: Batman t shirt c/o OMIGHTY, vintage floral/denim overalls, Kmart boots from a bajillion years a go)

I've been dressing like a kid nonstop lately.
and I keep talking to myself in weird voices. and laughing. at myself. normal right?
I'm kind of obsessed with this shirt, and everything from omighty for that matter. If you haven't checked out their site yet, do it now!!

I've been furiously trying to get all my boxes of things to sell prepared to list on etsy (more updates soon) and making the most of my time with my family since being home. I'll be heading back to Michigan soon, and I honestly cannot wait. I miss my soul mate, and my heart has been aching since I left his side. I still need to post all the photos from our road trip, so check back for that soon!



  1. obsessed with your bangs, such an inspiration! and there's nothing wrong with dressing like a kid, embrace it cause ya look great :)

  2. everything about this post is radical and awesome- but I am especially envious of your hair <3

  3. I don't want to sound creepy, but I'm obsessed with your style... Like you have opened up a whole new world of style possibilities for me that I never knew existed...

    The Lovelorn

  4. can i have your batman shirt? i'll cherish it!

  5. I love the batman! Very good outfit. You look great.

    Kate from Clear the Way
