

Hair preview part one! As I said a couple posts back, Lulu's re-dying my hair again (tonight as a matter of fact) just to make it a bit darker and the change in color a smidge more drastic. I've been craving change lately. Change in style, in hair, in surroundings. The feeling that goes along with embracing something different and not necessarily knowing what the outcome will be is rather exciting...and I've been bored with my hair for some time. So, since I'm a weeny and will most likely never go through with chopping off my length, color is the next best thing. These photos are really crappy quality so you can't quite see the depth and richness of the color, but I love it. And I know once I go a leeeetol bit darker, I'll love it even more! Can't wait to post the end results!


(wearing: Freeloader shark bite tank, random rope belt,
vintage lace dress worn as skirt, DIY necklace, misc. accessories)


  1. I love changing my hair, definitely changes a lot more than just your hair! yours is beautiful!


  2. adore la falda!! hermosa! bohemia y linda!


